East Torrens District Cricket Club will hold its 124th Annual General Meeting at the Clubhouse, Campbelltown Memorial Oval on Tuesday, 21st September 2021 commencing at 7:30pm.
The AGM is open to all members, senior & junior players and their families.
The items of business on the meeting agenda will include Life Member nominations, presentation of financial reports and the election of the following Office Bearer’s for the 2021/22 season:
- President
- Chairman
- Treasurer
- General Committee Member x 2
Nominations are called for the above positions and must be in writing and received by the secretary no later than Tuesday, 14th September 2021.
Nomination forms must be signed by the nominee and two proposers, all of whom must be financial members of the club, Nomination forms are available from the secretary via email to secretary@easttorrens.com.au
We look forward to your attendance,
Yours sincerely,
Michael Taylor – Chairman